With the aim to create a transparent framework of municipal activities, the Executive Committee is competent for:
1. The preparation and implementation of the Operational Program and the Technical Program, which it proposes to the City Council.
2. The incorporation of the proposals submitted by the various municipal offices to the annual budget and its submission to the Economic Committee.
3. It is also responsible to submit to the City Council, the annual activity report and is responsible for the proper execution of the budget.
4. Finally, the Executive Committee monitors, evaluates and coordinates the function of the various Municipal Legal Entities, taking into account the relevant recommendations of the Community and Local Councils.
Vice Mayor
Civil Protection & Engineering
Vice Mayor
Administration, Finance & Economics
Vice Mayor
Urban Planning, Environment & Quality of Life
Vice Mayor
Municipal Unit of Avlida
Vice Mayor
Municipal Unit of Anthidona
Vice Mayor
Municipal Unit of Lilantion
Vice Mayor
Operational Planning & E-Governance
Vice Mayor
Waste Management and Recycling